The Roles of Mayor & Deputy Mayor

The Role of the Mayor

The Mayor and, in their absence, the Deputy Mayor will have the following responsibilities: 

  • To chair Council Meetings.
  • To focus their activities on the communities of the town and, by focusing on the Council’s priorities, strengthen its links between those local communities and the Council.
  • To act as an enabler and ambassador by arranging meetings between the Council and other parties for the benefit of the town, co-ordinated for them by the Deputy Clerk & Civic Officer.

The Mayor may call an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council, subject to provisions in the Council’s standing orders. If the Mayor fails or refuses to call an Extraordinary Meeting within seven days after a request signed by two members of the Council, those two members may call an Extraordinary Meeting.

The Deputy Mayor

The Deputy Mayor only has a civic and legal status in the absence of the Mayor. It follows that invitations to a function should not be sent to (or solicited by) a Deputy Mayor. The Deputy Mayor should not attend functions in their own right but only when deputising for the Mayor. The Deputy Mayor does not wear their Chain of Office when the Mayor is attending the same function.

All invitations should be sent for consideration to the Mayor as First Citizen (via the Civic Officer). If the Mayor cannot attend, it may be appropriate to pass on the invitation to the Deputy Mayor, at the discretion of the Civic Officer.

If you would like to get in touch with the Mayor to arrange a visit, or for them to attend an engagement please PTC Mayoral Engagement Request Form  and return to the Civic Office via email at

The Chain of Office

The Chain of Office is a unique piece of regalia designed and made by a local company (Studio Crafts) in 2003. Each of the links has an image of the Meridian Monument (also on the Town’s logo) engraved on it.

The Mayor’s Charities

If the Mayor decides they wish to support a charity and/or local projects during their term of office, they should ensure that the charity is non-political, non-discriminatory and should benefit residents of the town. Monies must not be donated to profit making businesses established for that purpose.

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