Spooky Sleepover & Halloween Festival

2nd October 2017

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Peacehaven Town Council are celebrating Halloween with a Spooky Sleepover and Festival at the Gateway Café, Centenary Park, Piddinghoe Avenue on Friday 27th October.

Peacehaven has an ancient history and Halloween is the ideal time for us to spend the night where our ancestors lived, at Centenary Park.

Spooky Events and food will be available from six o’clock at the Gateway Café followed by camping on the Park itself.

There will be a camp fire with scary stories and music. We're asking for a small charge of £10 for each tent; food and drinks will be on sale at the café.

Younger ghost hunters are welcome but anyone wishing to camp needs to be with someone over eighteen.

Those interested are to bring their own camping equipment and must register with Campbell McBryer before the event.

Please contact Campbell at Community House of you would like to camp as numbers will be limited.

There is a scary dress code with an award from Wychwood Brewery for the scariest costumes. Please email Campbell at [email protected]

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