9th February 2021
Peacehaven Town Council is aware that there is an urgent need to support its community groups and charities which, for a number of reasons, are not able to take advantage of any of the various grants available in relation to the impact of COVID-19 restrictions.
The Council has therefore implemented an Emergency Community Grants Programme.
The Council is committed through this policy to promote Peacehaven Town as a vibrant, active and sustainable community and to contribute to the development of various projects and services that benefit the community. In doing so, the Council is aware of its responsibility for public funds and for the distribution of these funds to be managed in accordance with proper standards. A grant payment is made by the Council for the specific purpose it is claimed for.
There is one type of grant available:
a) Discretionary Grants are available for Emergency Community Support as a result of Covid. The available fund is for £20,000
New projects should be submitted in April through the normal grant process.
To be eligible for a grant from Peacehaven Town Council, the applicant must be able to meet all of the following criteria:
a) Be a voluntary / community group, registered charity, not for profit organisation or Community interest Company (CIC) or Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) that can provide a prompt and tangible benefit for the benefit of the people of Peacehaven.
b) Be a voluntary / community group, etc. adversely affected by Covid restrictions and unable to obtain financial help elsewhere.
c) Provide a completed emergency community grant application form signed by the person authorised to apply for the grant on behalf of the organisation. Application forms are available from the Town Council Office or from the website.
a) Need - There should be clear evidence of the need.
b) Self-help measures - Where self-help measures have been put in place, applications are more attractive.
c) Funding - Have you applied for other grants?
d) Beneficiaries - The grant must be for the benefit of the people of Peacehaven.
Grants will be considered by the Council’s Grants Sub-Committee every two weeks until the funding has expired. The first meeting will be on 22nd February 2021; application forms to be submitted by the Friday before each meeting.
The grant application form should be completed as fully as possible.
Return the completed form to the Town Council at the above address (by email if possible).
Incomplete or incorrect forms will be returned so that full information is provided to the Grants Sub Committee. If you need help completing the application form please contact the Town Clerk on 01273 585493.
If you are successful you will be notified by the Council in writing and payment will be made by cheque. Please ensure that the bank account name provided is correct.
Financial support from the Council should be acknowledged in any publicity relating to the project and in the organisation’s annual report. Copies of this material should be sent to the Council. Where possible, items purchased with Council’s support should be marked as such.
The funding may only be used for the purposes set out in the grant application.
If it transpires that funding cannot be utilised for the agreed purpose you must notify the Council at the earliest opportunity.
If for any reason the entire grant monies are not fully used then the surplus must be returned.
Please Complete the below Grant Application Form to apply for funding:
Emergency Community Support Grant Application Form Feb 2021
Please return application forms to: [email protected]
Please read the Emergency Community Support Grant Policy before applying for the grant:
Emergency Community Support Grant Policy Feb 2021
*Please note strict criteria applies*