Set against the backdrop of The South Downs National Park, Centenary Park has two magical playgrounds that will keep your little ones entertained for hours. The toddler playground with its giant wood carved dragon, a peek a boo wall and the adventure playground for older children boasting a magnificent acorn tower and the biggest swing you’ve ever seen!
The Park also has the Zero Degrees state-of-the-art Skatepark which is suitable for scooters, bikes, or traditional skaters – children from 5-50 have great fun here. Features include a skateable sundial, deep bowls and ramps.
The Park has hosted many events since it opened in 2015 including Peacehaven Town Council’s Summer Fairs, music festivals, dog shows, skate jams, football tournaments, and charity bike rides to list but a few.
The Gateway Café is ideally located by the car park for hot and cold drinks and tasty treats.
The Park has proved a popular destination for professional film crews and photography shoots as well.
For all booking and filming enquiries please email: [email protected]
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